Welcome to
Triangle L ART RANCH
The ART RANCH mission is to inspire a deeper connection to art, nature, and history
A 501(c)(3) non-profit
Established 2020

ART RANCH stewards the Sculpture Park, Adobe Barn Gallery, Gift Shop History Museum, GLOW! - and other doings - on the grounds of the Triangle L Ranch.
Adobe Barn Gallery & Gift Shop
Open Saturdays 10-3pm thru Dec 18, 2024
Winter Break Reopening Mid-January
OPEN During Events and
By Appointment 520-404-4022
Seasonal Closing in Summer
Open Daily
Sculpture Park
365 Days a Year

suggested donation
1 person $10 / carload $20

For over 18 years our GLOW! nighttime art experience has welcomed thousands of guests to enjoy illuminated sculpture and installations along the Magic Path - securing our reputation as an innovative contemporary art venue. Held only a few nights a year, this annual festival features performance art, live music and multi-media projections. Visitors are encouraged to dress in GLOWing costumes and become a part of this creative extravaganza.
Twenty years in the making, the Sculpture Park is an outdoor gallery featuring nearly 200 works ranging from intimate illuminated dioramas made by community members to monumental installations by established artists. The Magic Path winds through 10 acres of manicured trails revealing sculpture sited in the high-desert of Oracle. Long known for its GLOW! nighttime events, the ART RANCH Sculpture Park is now open daily from dawn-to-dusk. Visitors are invited to make a donation online or with cash at the “Donation Station” to take a self-guided stroll through the park, enjoying both the contemporary art and the beauty of nature.
Contemporary exhibitions, cutting-edge installations and performance art set against a 100-year-old mud adobe barn.
Local handcraft art, jewelry and goods - from greeting cards to functional ceramics. Come take a peek!

A native plant garden designed as a pollinator habitat. Experience our official Monarch Waystation along the Magic Path for a metamorphic experience of nature and art
Located in the original 1880s Tack Room, our museum-in-the-works chronicles the many histories of our Arizonan southwestern homestead - from cattle wrangling-to-dude ranch-to historical guest cottage rentals. artifacts, ephemera, photographs and researched & oral histories.
Learn more at Triangle L Ranch History Museum • Open by Appt only
Thank You!

Our long-time dream has been realized with the creation of Triangle L “ART RANCH” Inc, a tax-exempt non-profit 501(c)(3) organization in 2020. Journey with us as our goals and projects evolve into fruition. ART RANCH is most grateful for your support and, with your help and donations, we’ll continue to grow together.
Inspiring a deeper connection to art, nature & history
• advance artist careers through exhibitions, stipends,
residencies and workshops
• maintain and provide a public venue
• contribute to the cultural life or our community
• and to produce events such as GLOW! for both artist + audience
Triangle L ART RANCH
Board of Directors
Founding President - Sharon Holnback
Founding Vice President - Patricia Katchur
Treasurer - Ginger Hanson
Secretary - Kyle Keady Hansen
Founding Board Member & Grant Writer- Liz Tuck
Founding Board Member - Jim Walsh